Susie's father turned 80 in March! We celebrated with the Schille/Stell/Wittmann family, Dad's neighbor, and our cousins - whom most of us hadn't seen for 20 years! What a great day we had together and what fun it was filling Gail's house with through-the-years pictures of our Dad!! We're SO thankful for the blessing of our dad and our great family!
In Ecuador the Cayambe church celebrated by baptizing NINE new believers! Pastor Pablo and Deacon Vicente had the joy of baptizing and then they turned it into a full day of celebration as a church family! We're anxious to arrive in Ecuador to help disciple these new believers!!! |
Finally, the Young Adult Group at Calvary Fellowship Church gave a going away party for us at the end of the month! What an amazing time we had together talking, eating, praying and sharing about what God is doing in Ecuador! They surprised us with generous financial gifts towards our ministries in Ecuador and WE'RE now celebrating with God's FULL provision of our financial needs for Ecuador! He is SO good!
Please keep praying that we'll SOON be celebrating the sale of our home and the purchase of our tickets to Ecuador!! Thanks!