It´s been a busy but great month here in are some fotos of what we´ve been up to! If you´d like to get our e-newsletter and prayer updates for more info and other pictures, please email Glenn at:
We had a special welcome at the Primero de Mayo church on July 3, after a warm welcome the night before at the Quito airport! We were surrounded by the church leaders, prayed for and given a basket of Cayambe goodies...what a wonderful start to our time here!
After just one full day with a great team who was here doing a Kids Camp, we had a week with an amazing team from the McLean, Virginia area! It was an honor to work alongside them as they attended to the medical, physical and spiritual needs of the Santa Monica community! Glenn and David Meyer made good contacts with believers in the community and plans are in process to begin an ongoing ministry there in Santa Monica with the Primero de Mayo team!
Glenn takes a break from meeting with the adults to read the Bible to some children outside! |
Gissela (our co-worker in Primero de Mayo) teaches the children while they wait to see the doctor! |
The team's children's program director in action - what a joy to work with her all week! |
Our 2nd weekend here a fantastic team arrived from Indiana and we joined them in fixing up the Primero de Mayo Community Center, where the church has been meeting, and in pouring into the youth of the church via an English/Sports/Bible Camp! What a joy it was to get to know this team, to minister alongside of them and to get to know the youth and members of the Primero de Mayo church!
The Community Center BEFORE... |
and AFTER...the new-improved Community Center! |
The Townsend Team and Primero de Mayo teens - being silly! | | |
Susie with one of the teens - her family started attending church the week after we arrived! |
Glenn pitching in the end of camp baseball game! | | | | | | | |
Susie with Dilita and with Vicente and daughter at the team/church bonfire! |
sightseeing with the team as a part of our orientation! |
We went with the team to a traditional festival "Las Octavas" that lasts 8 weeks! |
This past weekend was super special! After spending a wonderful month living with our co-workers, David, Brenda, Daniel and Luke Meyer, God blessed us with an apartment to live in! We moved in on Saturday night and then Glenn preached at church on Sunday! Here are some 1st fotos...we have much to do yet to make this ¨home¨ but we´re thankful for a place to live and to welcome our first out-of-country visitor - our daughter Rachel! She arrives on August 5th!
Estefany (the pastor's daughter) helps Glenn in his sermon illustration! |
Moving in...up 3 flights of stairs... |
Our living room...currently being used as a dining room with borrowed furniture! |
Our kitchen - with just-purchased stove and refrigerator! |
Our office area - looking out through the living room to our small balcony! |
The view from our bedroom! Mt. Cayambe/ "El Nevado". |