So sorry I'm a month behind posting these...but I didn't want to NOT post them! God has been at work in and through the believers in Primero de Mayo and we're so thankful to be a part of what He's doing!
In the beginning of the month, Glenn helped Marco increase the height of one wall of the existing structure (it had been built for an inclined roof). This, our future church building, will now have a flat, concrete roof.
The first weekend of the month we had a church work day ("minga") to help Rosa (a widow and mother of 3 teens in our church) begin to build her new home.
What a great group turned out to help in the construction of Rosa's house and what fun we had!
Mid February, while Susie was in PA with her family, Glenn, Pablo and David taught at a Couples' Dinner and Workshop for the Primero de Mayo community. The youth from our church helped serve the dinner!
At the end of the month we had a church work day ("minga") on our church property. The project was to pour the flat concrete roof, and we succeeded! Many hands from our sister churches came to help and we even hired a winch and operator for the day!