After 3 weeks in Florida helping Glenn's parents pack and move, Susie took a break and flew to PA with a free ticket given after a cancelled flight in May!
Per the Schille family custom, Susie and Jeff celebrated their birthdays together! |
Josh came to visit and Susie's sister Gail housed us and spoiled us with her cooking! |
Susie got to spend a lot of time with Rachel too, and she prepared a Dominican Dinner at her house for us! |
On Susie's birth DAY, she Rachel and Josh spent the day together - here at one of their favorite spots - Struble Trail! |
Susie also had the joy of meeting newborn Heidi Sadio - the VERY LOVED and adorable daughter of Philippe and Laurie! |
Then it was time to head back to Florida to help Glenn's parents settle in and get some needed support services. Susie joined Glenn's mom and sister and a dear friend from church at the tea room one morning to relax! |
Then it was back to Ecuador for Glenn and Susie! We arrived on Aug 21 and received a WONDERFUL 5 person team of our good friends from Calvary Fellowship Church on Aug 25! We saw SO many rainbows together, as here, at the equator! |
The team worked hard at putting up bathroom tiles and installing electricity in the new Primero de Mayo church building... |
and we were all rewarded by incredible and HUGE lunches every day at Dilita's home - prepared by our wonderful church ladies and teen girls! |
We even celebrated Paul's birthday during the week and he was introduced to the Ecuadorian tradition of being encouraged to bite the cake...and then having his face smashed into it! FUN! |
The construction work was not easy and we were CONSTANTLY buffeted by the STRONG August winds... |
but with the help of the Ecuadorians, the work advanced and the church is SO grateful to the team for their help!!! |
Midweek we took a break and visited the beautiful, but cold, Mount Mojanda... |
and had lunch on Saint Paul Lake and took this HIGHLY desired team photo with a llama! |
But the team didn't only do construction, they helped Glenn and Susie build relationships and meet needs in Cayambe by teaching ENGLISH Monday thru Friday night! |
We offered a Basic class, where Glenn translated and helped teach... |
and an Intermediate class, where Susie translated. |
Forty-nine students passed through our week of classes and we gave each faithful attender a certificate and both the Basic... |
and the Intermediate classes! It was great to work as a team working towards the eventual beginning of a church in Cayambe! |
But the ministry continued for the CFC team! On Saturday the team men joined the Primero de Mayo church men on a fishing trip where testimonies where shared by both Ecuadorians and Americans! The women also had a time of encouragement and sharing back at the Primero de Mayo Community Center! |
Glenn preached at the Primero de Mayo Church for the team's last Sunday... |
and Marlon, one of our teens, was sent-off with prayer to begin his year of Bible Study and discipleship at the Quito Word of Life Training Center! What a joy to send our SECOND teen to Word of Life! |
Sunday afternoon we took a FUN trip with the team to see the Pyramids of Cochasqui - tho we only saw them from afar! |
This team of 5 - Sheldon, Marcie, Paul, Chuck and Cathi - was small, but they left a BIG mark on the hearts of the Ecuadorians...and on our hearts! Thank you CFC and friends for sending this team! We are forever grateful and look forward to more teams in the future! |