We started out the month celebrating Mother's Day - focusing on Glenn's Mom, Betty Wittmann!
Glenn's sister, Laurie, hosted our celebration... |
we're so thankful for Mom Wittmann...and all 3 of us are happy Moms! |
We continue to be involved in TWO Spanish ministries here in Plant City, FL. We're less involved now in the first ministry that we found here, Iglesia de La Fe, but we still attend their monthly after-church luncheons, where we enjoy amazing Hispanic foods, including a dish with cactus - something new for us! This month they had a baby shower at the luncheon and we took some group pictures!
The men of Iglesia de La Fe! To the left of Glenn is their amazing pastor - Pastor Alcides! |
The women of Iglesia de La Fe! Kneeling is the pastor's wonderful wife! |
Because of our love for the Iglesia de La Fe, and our ministries with Plant City's First Baptist Church, we joined with PCFB's 2nd Saturday ministry in removing 3 sections of unsafe/uneven/cracked sidewalk and pouring new sections!
Pedro, from Iglesia de La Fe, smiles as he takes a break from his work with the 2nd Saturday team! Glenn is in the red hat in center! |
Both churches worked together in the hot sun - Susie helped with translation and with keeping everyone hydrated! |
Juan, here smoothing the concrete, is a leader in PCFB's Hispanic Ministry and a regular worker with the 2nd Saturday ministry! |
Of great joy to us this month was watching the members and leaders of PCFB's Hispanic Ministry step up in ministry. Juan, whom you just met above, recently started a Movie Night Outreach!
Juan organizes snacks, drinks, a weekly handout of Bible verses from that night's topic, and he opens and closes in prayer! This week a visitor came who'd been invited to SEVERAL activities, but never came until now! |
This month was PCFB's Missions Conference. Glenn helped the missions pastor in some of the plans for the week, and Susie spoke to the missionaries at their Sunday luncheon.
God is at work at PCFB - in the Spanish AND English ministries! |
While Susie spoke at the Missions Conference, Glenn was hiking on the Appalachian Trail with Josh! Glenn had his last free plane ticket to use (from last May!) and Josh only had one week in between his finals and the start of his summer missions work with The Philadelphia Project!
Glenn and Josh did a portion of the AT in Virginia this time and had the joy of seeing and being helped by our good friends Dave and Chrissy Lambdin! |
The month ended with 6 Hispanic baptisms at PCFB! A new family of 3 who just placed their trust in Christ, 2 women who have been a part of our ministry for awhile, and one of the women's sons!
This is Nena, who is currently undergoing cancer treatments, begin baptized by FBPC's Spanish Pastor, John Foxx. |
We are so thankful to God for this chapter in our lives - living in FL and ministering to Hispanics! Tomorrow we head to Ecuador to close out
that chapter of our lives. Due to the ongoing care needs of Glenn's father, we will not be able to return to FT ministry in Ecuador. Please pray for us as we say our goodbyes and look to God to provide us with full time work...in FL or PA! Thanks!