Our month started out in the city of Banos with the Crossworld-Ecuador missionaries and a pastor and his wife from PA. We had missions meetings and great teaching times on Biblical Counseling. After the meetings, Glenn, Gissela and I decided to try to find a nearby waterfall, but ended up visiting the home of one of the 5 missionaries martyred in the jungles of Ecuador - Nate Saint. It was a dream come true for us - to see WHERE they had served and that their work, GOD's work, is continuing in that area of Ecuador! THAT was something to celebrate!
Gissela and I on the side porch of the Saint home. Gissela had just met and talked to a new missionary who is being trained next door to the Saint Home, to return to his people in the jungle with the news of God's great love! |
Glenn and I in front of the Saint home - looking out at the airstrip where the five missionaries left from and where missionaries continue to leave to enter the jungle with medical and spiritual care! |
Then Glenn and I celebrated our 29th anniversary - on and around Lake Cuicocha - a lake in the crater of a now inactive volcano! | |
The next celebration was of our friend's/former neighbor's birthday! We're thankful for our friendship with Luis and his famil,y and for Santiago and his family, who still live in our apartment building and joined in the celebration! |
Every September our association of churches celebrate with the youth their return to youth group. Our youth group in Primero de Mayo meets throughout the summer, but we still love the celebration!
We met at our association's Christian School in Yaruqui and started the day on the bleachers, with great worship and great teaching ...and fun just being together! |
Then it was time to break into teams, mixing the youth of all of the churches, for games! |
The games are ALWAYS great! Here, Orlando, our young-at-heart church treasurer, competes with Marlon, our new Word of Lifer who comes home on weekends to help with and enjoy the ministry! |
After the games it was lunch time. Gissela prepared the food and Patty, (Orlando's wife), Alex, (our first Word of Lifer), and I helped her serve it to our hungry youth! |
Finally it was time to relax after a long, sunny day! |
The BIGGEST celebration this month, was the Inauguration of our new church building in Primero de Mayo. After the sacrificial giving and physical work of the Ecuadorians and several American workteams, the church was ready to occupy! Praise God with us!!!
Gissela preparing the inside of the worship center for painting... |
Deacons Vicente and Ernesto, worked hard with many other church members, on preparing the lot and here celebrated how God was providing our own place to meet and to worship! |
Alex and Fanny painting the trim around the windows of the worship center... |
Gissela painting our Church's theme verse - John 10:11 - our church is named Good Shepherd Bible Church! |
Two days before the Inauguration...bathrooms with painting by Victor to the left, our worship center and the prepared lot! |
The day before the Inauguration - Victor, whom Glenn continues to disciple, painted a shadow on the letters... |
Sebastian helped Glenn clean out the area where the women will sell homemade food at the Inauguration... |
and Dayana and Gissela added finishing touches to the men's bathroom! |
September 29, 2012! Inauguration Day! The crowd gathers! We had visitors from the neighborhood, from sister churches and from Cayambe! |
Marlon shares the EvangeCube he was trained to use at Word of Life, with David, our next youth desiring to attend Word of Life in Quito, and Rene, the Mirror Artisan who attends Glenn and Vicente's Bible Study in Cayambe and who provided decorations for the new worship center! |
ELAM - the Christian Folk Band formed by our sister churches - led us in worship and celebration during the Inauguration! |
Joining in the celebration is Vivi, with her young son and her extended family! Susie and Vivi just started a time of discipleship and Bible study together in Cayambe! |
Finally, after a great Evangelical message by the President of our association of churches, the ladies of the Chaupimolino Church treated us to two dances in honor of our Lord! |
On Sunday September 30 we held our first church service in our new worship center! Pastor Olger, from the Yaruqui church, preached a message of dedication, and we ended the service hand in hand in a prayer of dedication and thanksgiving to our great God! |
After the service, the women served an AMAZING meal, provided by various church members! Dilita, in purple, served her famous Peanut Sauce, and Fanny, in front, is now co-leading with Susie the women's morning Bible Study in Cayambe and is doing a great job! God has blessed our church with amazing people who use their gifts and talents for God's glory! |
Finally, Reina poses with Marlon at the end of the Inauguration Celebrations. Marlon recently began discipling Reina's son, Danny, and she is SO thankful to God for Marlon! Reina meets weekly with Susie for prayer and hosts the new Cayambe Women's Night Bible Study in her home! |
Thank you for celebrating with us! Your prayers, your giving and your work here in Ecuador are bringing glory to God! We thank God for you!!!
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