Yes, January was a month of beginnings. We received a training from Crossworld's Mobilization staff via the internet and had our first mobilization meeting - with Crossworld mobilizers all across the USA- over the internet using our new cell phone! We also flew to Crossworld's home office in Kansas City, MO to be further trained by the Mobilization staff and to get updates on the needs for international staff from many of our International Directors.
We are following up 50 of the MANY young adults that these Crossworld Mobilizers made contact with at the Urbana Missions Conference in early January! |
We also got MORE involved in the Hispanic Ministries at First Baptist Church of Plant City, FL!
It was THIS sign that God used to lead us to the Hispanic Ministries at FBPC and Glenn continues to love teaching English every Sunday afternoon! Susie joins him in his class when he has women and then we both stay for the Sunday evening Evangelistic Church Service in Spanish! Glenn even preached last week in the Sunday evening service! |
Our Sunday morning, Sunday night and Wednesday evening Spanish services are always held in the same room and always begin with worship, led by the Pastor, John Foxx, with the faithful support of his friend and assistant, Miguel... |
Coffee and snacks are usually available in the same room - it's a great gathering point for the families! |
The ministry was begun four years ago by the Senior Pastor's wife, Liliana (far right), and by Brenda (far left). Sonia (next to Brenda) joined the ministry with her husband (and now our men's Sunday School teacher), Juan (not pictured), and then John Foxx, was called, along with his wife, Veronica, (center) to Pastor the ministry in early 2012. The ministry has grown incredibly under this team's leadership! |
John and Veronica with one of the families from the ministry! |
The ministry has become like a are the women showering Barbara (seated in blue) with love as she anticipates the birth of her 2nd child... |
I even got in on the fun...SO thankful I'm milk-free and didn't have to chug a bottle full of milk!! |
This year the ministry is focusing on training the members, the family, to reach out to the English Class/Sunday evening attenders and to others who need to hear the good news of God's love! Please pray for us as we, and the other leaders in this ministry, begin one on one discipleship!
The OTHER new beginning this month was in our new home. After two months of living with Glenn's parents in their home, we, along with Glenn's sister and husband, decided it would be best for us and for Glenn's parents if we found a home very nearby to live in. God blessed us incredibly as a good family friend found us a fully-furnished single-wide trailer home that we could rent on a month to month basis from a wonderful couple in the same trailer park that Glenn's parents live in! We are able to walk or bike to Glenn's parents home, and they receive visits and calls from us and from Glenn's sister on a daily basis! This is helping us better understand their needs as we continually look to the future.
The outside view - the front window on left is our "office"... |
The view from the office the right of the blue picture is the entrance to our bathroom and bedroom. |
SOOOOOO...although it was a super difficult transition, leaving our beloved Ecuadorians, God has provided and we are content...praise God with us! Thank you SO much for your prayers!!!
Glenn and I at Medard Park...getting back into the habit of a weekly get-away...our walk, talk and pray time! |
I visited the Crossworld booth at Urbana! It looked fantastic. Hope you guys have some great contacts to follow up on, there seemed to be a lot of great people there this year.